Introduction to MOSTLY AI

Introduction to MOSTLY AI

As part of your onboarding process, we have developed a program to ensure you have a strong foundation in all aspects relevant to our business.

We want to help you gain a deep understanding of synthetic data.

For your future success, it is important to understand how synthetic data by MOSTLY AI is generated.

We hope this program will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to excel in your role and achieve your career goals.



MOSTLY AI Product Demo



MOSTLY AI overview about Synthetic Data
  • What is synthetic data?

  • Why use synthetic data?

  • Why MOSTLY AI?

    The answers are here.


Responsible AI, Fairness and Explainable AI
  • What is Responsible AI?

  • What are the principles of Responsible AI?

  • How is Responsible AI different to Ethical AI or Trustworthy AI?

  • Why is Responsible AI important? Why now? And for whom?

  • What are the challenges of Responsible AI?

  • How can MOSTLY AI help with RAI?

Find the answers to these questions here.












[Optional] By the end of the this course, you will have acquired a lot of knowledge and that is something worth celebrating. If you’re up to it, please share your achievements with your network. Examples: Alex Ichim, Michael Peter, Alex Zojer, George Loizou.




Congrats on acing your learning path about our awesome product! You've officially leveled up and are now a MOSTLY AI & Synthetic Data pro. Let's keep the learning journey going! 🚀