Which Cost Center and Expense category should I use in Spendesk

Which Cost Center and Expense category should I use in Spendesk

Cost Center:

In general all invoices and expenses should be submitted to your department cost center.

This includes team-only events (example: AI Research team meeting in Vienna, Product team meeting in Milan, Engineering team meeting in Istanbul, etc).

Please note that in 2023 you also book Learning & Development and Benefits expenses (such as Home Office Stipend) under your department cost center and no longer under HR/People!!

There are a few exceptions from this rule:

  • When you submit your monthly invoice as a contractor - please use the

    • cost center “Your Department - External Contractor - xxx1”,

    • expense category “External Contractor - 205

All other invoices should be filled under the “Your Department” cost center and the respective expense category.

  • All expenses in regards to our company-wide events - such as offsites should be under the

    • cost center “People - 6300”,

    • expense category ”Travel & Expense - 634”,

    • Sub Cost Center “Events & Offsites - 6310

  • Same applies for all costs in regards to our Mgmt. Offsites

  • Travel expenses occurring during trade shows or similar marketing events should be booked under

    • cost center “Marketing - 5200

    • expense category “Marketing Events - 525”.

Expense Category:

Please see the list of all expense categories - please be aware that not all categories are available for all cost centers.

Expense category


Expense category


Accounting, Payroll, Tax

All costs associated with payroll and external accounting service fees (eg. Ecovis, Nardella)


All costs associated with audits, including financial audits and technical audits (SOC2, ISO)


This includes costs for “Learning & Development”, “Home Office Stipend” and “Social Budget” for team events

Branding & Website

Cost relating to maintaing our website

Carbon Offsetting

Cost for reduction or removal of emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases


Costs for AWS, GCP and Azure

Consulting & Special Projects

Includes consulting services for new topics and special projects

Customer Invitations

Use this category for any spendings related to customer invitations

Demand Gen & Ads

This includes costs for Digital and Non-Digital activites that drive demand

Employer Branding

Internal and external employer branding activities, including welcome package and swag

Events & Offsites

Costs related to company-wide events/offsites and Management offsites. This includes also spendings related to company wide online events, such as the Christmas party.

For team-only events (ex: AI Research team meeting in Vienna, Product team meeting in Milan, Engineering team meeting in Istanbul, etc), please use your department cost centre.

External Contractor

This should be only used for monthly invoices


Reserved for marketing and includes freelancers like photographers, video,…..


Laptops purchased for employees


Company related insurances - travel insurances should be booked under “Travel & Expenses”

IT Service

Costs from HXS

Learning & Development

This includes the indiviudal training budget and other learning & development activiites

Legal Consulting

External legal counsels

Marketing Events

Costs associated with Marketing Events - incl. travel

Memberships (inkl. Gartner)

Companymemberships - NOT for individual memberships which are most of the time Learning & Development


Used when there is no other category


Costs for patents

Penetration Testing

Engineering only - what a surprise costs for Pen Test


Phone expenses according to our policy and company phones


Costs associated with the podcast production


Expenses for PR activities


Costs for external agencies, headhunters and other sourcing (LI) tools and channels (eg. Honeypot)

Rent & Lease

Costs for meeting rooms, coworking spaces….

Tools & Subscriptions

All costs for tools and subscriptions (not memberships)

Travel & Expense

All expenses during travel, including transportation, meals, hotel….

Travel Company Events

All travel expenses occuring due to company events


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