Every employee that has been working with MOSTLY AI for at least 18 months can take unpaid leave under certain conditions.
Consequently, unpaid leave can be taken once every 18 months.
Need There is the need to align with the manager, need who needs to keep business needs in mind. It’s a possibility that a request for a certain time will be denied; however, MOSTLY AI is committed to making this possible for everyone (regardless of position).
Max. Maximum amount of unpaid leave :
1 Month
Can The lunch allowance during unpaid leave is not paid.
Unpaid vacation proportionally reduces the allowance of 25 paid vacation days .
is 1 month. It can be combined with a
max.maximum of 4 weeks of regular paid vacation, making it for 2 months off in total.
Only relevant to employees hired in Austria 🇦🇹 :
Only relevant to employees hired via employer of record Remotean Employer of Record (EOR):
The People team will engage with Remote.com the EOR to find out more about your country’s requirements for this type of leave. Please note that the law in the jurisdiction in which you are hired overrules this internal policy.
The monthly bill should reflect the days of unpaid leave. Please deduct the number of unpaid leave X Daily fee.
Daily fee formula:
Monthly fee / 22 days (this is the average number of working days in one month) = Daily fee